
“Jordan Anderson is a profoundly integrated, creative and visionary marketer.  In addition to having the repertoire of traditional and contemporary marketing at his fingertips, he has a remarkable intuition.  He grasps the essence of a product or service, and puts in into terms that clarify and amplify my own vision.  In my work with him, Jordan has illuminated for me the essence of who I am, what I have to offer, and who would most benefit from and enjoy my work  As a result, the “dream practice” I always wanted is unfolding seemingly on its own, efficiently and continuously, without effort and forcing.  Jordan’s work astounds me.”

George Russell, DC

New York, NY

“Do you realize you change people’s lives by showing who you are? Thank you for your insights. It is your gift-being ability to see and then give voice to people’s ideas of who they want to be. You helped me connect the dots and I’ll be forever grateful to you for that. Do it for others. It will leave a legacy.”

Mary Maloney Cronin

Public Relations Consultant, Washington, DC and Author of: “Everyone Remembers the Elephant in the Pink Tutu: How to Promote and Publicize Your Business With Impact and Style."

“You have incredible insights and an ability to form patterns for people-your abilities were incredibly valuable to me. Thanks for everything.”

Fiona Forrest

Corporate Trainer, Petco Animal Supplies, Inc., San Diego, CA

“Jordan, You are one of the most unique men and skillful coaches I have ever met. I love your vision for your clients, yourself and your organization.”

Phil Cavalier

Director of Sales, Potlach Corp., Brainerd, MN

“At a recent retreat, where participants were mapping their life-purpose and seeking input from other professionals as to what they might do given their talents and how they might begin packaging their skills, I was highly impressed with Jordan Anderson’s input to each of the participants.

Jordan’s input captured the essence of the individual. You could tell that Jordan had been listening to the participant with keen ears and sensitive eyes because his feedback reflected their core talents, wishes, and personal strengths–many of which were not obvious. The total group would sigh in delight as Jordan gave ideas that were so perfect, so individualistic, and so marketable for each individual. Jordan clearly captures the whole personality, aspects of the person that are innate and natural.

It is this ability which makes Jordan’s work distinguished and valuable. He feeds back and highlights aspects of an individual that will be easy to act on and/or market because they represent the most natural part of the self. This ability to see and understand someone at a deep level is Jordan’s unique talent in business. I believe Jordan can mine the gold in each of us.

He has my highest recommendation to work with individuals who are looking to develop and/or market themselves in new ways.”

Barbara Cavalier, Ph.D.

Director, Sales Development, Avery Dennison

“Jordan has the unique ability to see and verbalize marketing ideas that are creative and right on target. He helps you hone in on your marketing and provides ideas on how to reach these individuals. He is able to help you see the picture and at the same time act on what you need to do now.”

Patricia DiVecchio

President & Founder, PurposeInc.

“Jordan, I wanted to let you know what we learned and got out of the branding process and outcome of “product you” Many of the team members felt the process provided a unique learning and team building experience. An upshot being that we learned about our individual as well as our cumulative strengths. Your ability to listen and extract the essence of our personalities was remarkable. The execution was highly creative and well-design. The final product being something that we all feel represents our true selves from an awesome perspective. Thank you very much.

Elizabeth Vega Lebron

Assistant Vice President, Marketing and Community Relations